Tag: self-publishing

  • Free Book Reviews

    Got your attention, did I? What got me thinking about this topic was the recent flap over Amazon’s rejection of a book review. There even appears to be a petition asking Amazon to change their policy in this regard. This is important stuff, especially when you think about how vital a book review is to a self-published…

  • The Font of Confusion

    To begin, a definition — font : a receptacle for the water used in a baptism; a fount or source; a set of type of one particular face and size. One of the most difficult things for me as a self-published author was deciding which font to use for the book that I was going to…

  • Sleepy Robots

    Are we preparing the ground for the robotic takeover? We work impossible hours trying to keep up with the virtual city that literally never sleeps. Only a robot could cope with that schedule. I’m a science fiction writer mostly because the idea of the scientific method is at the heart of my intellectual processes. My…

  • The Editorial Committee

    That’s my editorial committee pictured on the right. From the left, Grace, Zizi, and Zachary. My desire to write originated in the nightly story-time sessions we’ve always had and the difficulty I was having finding new fiction that they enjoyed. Classics are good, and we’ve always included them in our library, but I’m convinced that…

  • ART vs art

    Which are you, an ARTIST or an artist? An ARTIST is one whose art is intellectually driven, high-brow stuff that may or may not be socially or politically conscious, but aims to ‘speak’ to people of means and substance, while ‘artists’ have none of those ambitions, content to do work through which they hope to…

  • Marketing

    Today I want to talk about software. A while back, I heard John Irving on ‘Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me‘ revealing that he now writes all his work on paper, with pen and ink. I think I’d find the transition difficult, I’ve become so used to typing, and cutting and pasting. And then there’s the…