Got your attention, did I?
What got me thinking about this topic was the recent flap over Amazon’s rejection of a book review. There even appears to be a petition asking Amazon to change their policy in this regard. This is important stuff, especially when you think about how vital a book review is to a self-published author. Seems to me that it’s the best kind of book promotion I can get and while there are sites, like Kirkus, which will review your book, you must fork out a hefty fee to get one of those.
Yes, I will review your book for free, maybe. You must understand that there’s no quid pro quo deal here.
I’ve promised myself to review at least one new book a week, chosen at random, from importantbooks submitted here. It must be a new book, and self-published, any genre. No, I don’t want a free copy, or any remuneration. This is my contribution to the community and it comes with no guarantees of any kind. I may not like your book.
I’m a member of a writers’ group that works for me; we meet to read and critique each other’s work. Criticism is always productive and offered without vitriol or insult.
So if I don’t like your book, I won’t post a review of it. After all, the fact of my dislike is not an absolute reflection of the books quality; another reader might have an entirely opposite view of the thing.
If you’d prefer a private review, just let me know. You’re free to publish it later at your discretion. Maybe a negative review from me will turn out to be a good thing for your book sales, who knows?
If you’d care to review my book you can request a free copy from me here; the free book offer is not unlimited and I reserve the right to cancel it at any time, with no prior notification. Also, as I said at the beginning, there’s no quid pro quo here.
The book is The Obeahman’s Dagger and it’s available on Amazon and elsewhere (I think); I published on CreateSpace and chose the Expanded Distribution option but the publishing business is complicated and Amazon can be relied on to put my best interests ahead of their own, right?
Use the contact form below to request a review of your book, or a free copy of mine, for review.
Good luck. [contact-form to=’’ subject=’Review Request’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]