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C.S. Lewis, Writing and Lust
A thoughtful comment on our society.
“Herd Immunity” is Epidemiological Neoliberalism
via “Herd Immunity” is Epidemiological Neoliberalism
Writer at Work
Hi All, I’m head down in my new book and minimizing my social media activities but I’m troubled by the way the President’s treasonous behavior is eclipsing some very important news. ‘Fatal shootings’ in the USA seems to be spiking and I’m wondering why. But my new book is going well. My plot is complete…
Trumpism 101
Politics is a fact of my writing life these days. Events are too momentous to avoid and the noise of political chatter too loud to be ignored. So I did what I do about most things that bother me – I wrote. And Donald Trump’s presidency bothers me. Donald J. Trump is The Man Who…
The Self Publishing Dilemma
Many years ago I was advised to always look it up. “When you’re reading,” my father told me, “you must never pass over a word you don’t understand. Always stop, go to the dictionary, and look it up” It was good advice and I took it. Over the years it’s gotten easier to look things…
About three years ago I completed and self-published my first book, The Obeahman’s Dagger. I did it all – writing, editing, proof-reading, cover design, and layout and when it was done, I was a very proud writer/publisher. A Kirkus review pointed out some weaknesses but gave me a good grade overall. Another professional opined that I should…
About Me
I am not a narcissist but I think it’s time I told the readers of my blog a little bit about me. I’m an outsider, an observer, a thinker and (after all this time) finally, a writer, with one self-published novel to my credit, The Obeahman’s Dagger. I’m working on a new book, The Omega…
Yes, But do They Believe Him?
Everybody knows that the President lies. The big question is whether and by whom he is believed. At a recent rally in Wisconsin President Trump told a story: “The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the…
In my little town
A small vegan grocery store opened nearly a year ago, on Oliver Street in North Tonawanda, my little town. When it opened I thought that it represented something that was happening in the community, a kind of revival at the core. It seemed to me part of a sustainable initiative that would bring real benefits…