Category: publishing

  • November Approaches

    I’ve got the feeling in the gut about this; the one where you’re frightened and excited in equal parts. Let’s do this.

  • Nearly Open Source

    I’ve written here before about the mind-expansion that happens when I do the research for one of my stories and I’d like to share some of my experiences with you. My current subject is a story about an Artificial Intelligence (an AI to the scientific community) so I’ve been doing the requisite reading. Current book is…

  • Mayday!Mayday! Anybody listening?

    I’m a shy and  unambitious man trying to find a way to live in a world full of craziness and ignorance. I think that I’m a natural science fiction writer; I still have a child’s uncertainty about the world. For me, the writing’s the easy part. Hard work for sure, but usually enjoyable and always…

  • R & D

    Writing is the best job in the world. Maybe that’s why so many of us are so willing to work at it for no money. Now there’s an inconvenient truth but I try not to worry about it too much. See I’ve learned that the proper way to deal with a difficult and troubling situation…