What I learned from the Don in the White House
Well the would-be Don anyway. He’s not smart enough to be the Don, he’ll always be the one taking orders, being ‘advised’ on what to do. All he does is keep an eye on the money, or as he likes to say, ‘make deals, huge deals’. When I started this blog, I was clear about…
Mango Crumble Tarts, a Caribbean twist on the American Apple Crumble pie. Serve it with sorrel tea.
I’ve had this and it’s really good.
Current Research: The Elephant’s Secret Sense by Caitlin O’Connell
The story of humans in the world is a sad tale of greed, ignorance and horrific abuse of the stewardship of the planet we have claimed as our birthright. Sometimes deliberately, sometimes inadvertently, but always with devastating agency, we have driven a number of species to extinction. The elephant, cursed with the ‘white gold’ of…
Friday 45: BETHLEM STEELE – Hold On To Your Mind
Source: Friday 45: BETHLEM STEELE – Hold On To Your Mind
The most significant initiative coming out of the Obama administration was led by the First Lady; I’m talking about her effort to change the eating habits of Americans. There was even some legislation passed in support. ‘The effort culminated in 2010 with the passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which allowed the U.S. Agriculture…
Working My Way Back
Not fun. Wish I could say that I’ve been away on vacation or off on a trip to some place I’ve not yet been but that’s not what happened. The truth is that I’m going through a bit of a rough spot; the economy has soured and my income is seriously diminished. I’ve had to…
Creativity and Me
One percent inspiration and ninety-nine perspiration, that’s how my creativity works but a few days ago something happened that’s making me rethink how I approach my work. And it is work. I never sit down to write anything with the idea that this is going to be fun. Not in the sense that drinking a…
Movie Review
Look Who’s Back A Review Did Donald Trump watch this movie? It’s an uncannily prescient German film that was shot in 2015 and was based on a best-selling satirical novel, Er ist Wieder da (Look Who’s Back), by Timur Vermes. The book was published in 2012, the film was released in 2015 and was a…
I started this blog in 2015 to document and share my experiences as a self-published writer. I hope that readers can benefit from these pages as I continue to learn, and to write. With the collapse of my Challenge to myself, to write a novel in one month, I’m rethinking my process. I’ve gained some…
The Challenge: Progress Report (and more)
It goes on, evolving and continuing. The original Challenge was to complete a novel in one month, January. That was a failure; I was only able to get a little over 20K words done by January 31st. I got off to a good start but two weeks into the Challenge, Life intruded and I was…