Tag: art

  • Can you identify this artifact?

    I found this clay bottle many years ago, in a little thrift shop in Brooklyn, New York. Over the years I’ve tried to learn about its provenance but so far, I’ve not been able to find any information about it. It looks like an Aztec artifact. I think that the design elements on the back…

  • Book Review: Blackbird Rising – A novel of the American Spirit

    On June 17th 2015, nine people were shot dead in a church in Charleston, S.C.. The shooter was a young man who claimed that he was motivated by ethnic prejudice. Though it was first published six years ago, my reading of Gary Earl Ross’ BLACKBIRD RISING: A Novel of the American Spirit bracketed that tragic…

  • ART vs art

    Which are you, an ARTIST or an artist? An ARTIST is one whose art is intellectually driven, high-brow stuff that may or may not be socially or politically conscious, but aims to ‘speak’ to people of means and substance, while ‘artists’ have none of those ambitions, content to do work through which they hope to…